Thursday, June 8, 2017

RKR Evolves: Family Band

As I find myself dreaming about this venture, more and more I am drawn to making the RKR movement available to the world through creating a product/company/ideology called Family Band.  So, what exactly is Family Band? In my head, I see it clearly.  I see a slick website that provides encouragement and solutions for a family to "BAND" together.  It will be a site that allows families to create their Creed or "Band" that holds them together.  From there, the family can choose from several design items to advertise their "band" - the first of which is an armband/bracelet that is specifically made for each of that family's members.  For example my family would create and wear a band that shouted: Respect, Kindness, Responsibility.  It would be a creative yet practical bracelet that is custom and can be worn by every family member.  Family Band will be a place that families can come to lay claim to their own personal creed and then display it to the world, and see it every day to be reminded of what "Bands" them together.

As I have had time to toss this idea over and over, I believe this has finally evolved to the place I want to be.  A place that allows for creativity and gives each and every family a venue to examine and claim what is important to them and what holds them together in good times and bad.

So now I am at a crossroads.  How do I move forward.  What are the endless possibilities that could come of this product/concept.