Thursday, June 8, 2017

RKR Evolves: Family Band

As I find myself dreaming about this venture, more and more I am drawn to making the RKR movement available to the world through creating a product/company/ideology called Family Band.  So, what exactly is Family Band? In my head, I see it clearly.  I see a slick website that provides encouragement and solutions for a family to "BAND" together.  It will be a site that allows families to create their Creed or "Band" that holds them together.  From there, the family can choose from several design items to advertise their "band" - the first of which is an armband/bracelet that is specifically made for each of that family's members.  For example my family would create and wear a band that shouted: Respect, Kindness, Responsibility.  It would be a creative yet practical bracelet that is custom and can be worn by every family member.  Family Band will be a place that families can come to lay claim to their own personal creed and then display it to the world, and see it every day to be reminded of what "Bands" them together.

As I have had time to toss this idea over and over, I believe this has finally evolved to the place I want to be.  A place that allows for creativity and gives each and every family a venue to examine and claim what is important to them and what holds them together in good times and bad.

So now I am at a crossroads.  How do I move forward.  What are the endless possibilities that could come of this product/concept.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

RKR - What will it Be?

So recently I have been giving more thought to this venture I have been dreaming about.  It comes to me when I am reading the paper and see the demise of a rising star in the Florida legislature due to poor choices and No RKR.  A state senator was recently brought into the limelight due to a alcohol fueled tirade on a colleague in a public venue that was witnessed by other adults.  He was disrespectful, insulting and not at all responsible. It was so dreadful that he ended up with no choice but to resign from the Florida Senate.  I think about how much we need a movement like RKR when I hear news stories about people who want to exercise their right to free speech but choose hate to be the focus of their speech.   What would happen if the wave caught on and communities rallied around Respect, Kindness and Responsibility?

So the question I ask myself is, what should RKR be? Should it start as an apparel company that spreads a lifestyle message? Should it be a social movement complete with chapters and worker bees? Or, what if it were just a sentiment being thrown out like a fresh, clean sheet on a waiting, bare bed? So the question remains.  How can I share an ideology? It IS simple, and yet it covers such a vast area.  

Is it transferrable? In other words is RKR so simple that it is not subjective? Would RKR in TN look different from RKR in California.  I think not, but their may be some subtle differences.  I think at the end of the day, we can all agree that WE all need a little more RKR in today's world.  So, will you help me start the wave?  I will be working to design a t-shirt logo and just go from there.  I am just going to go with it.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


And now a message from our sponsor....Kindness.  Ahhh kindness.  It just has a ring to it.  It feels soft and warm.  Seems easy, right? Well I have been thinking about kindness lately, and I find that it really means different things to different people.  Some people may think kindness is a sign of weakness.  For others, it just does not come naturally.  But I think that overall people in general understand that kindness is good.  It is the opposite of meanness.  For me, kindness is my second nature.  I usually always choose kindness, in my mind, but do I? I have made some observations lately that are not particularly profound, but the more I though about it I realized I don't always feel like being kind, and that kindness does take effort.  And like beauty, kindness also lies in the eyes of the beholder- how it is perceived may be different.  Case and point I recently observed my daughter being very unkind to my son.  I don't remember particularly what the conflict was (they are 10 and 13, so the conflicts are endless!) But as I watched my daughter call my son terrible names, I asked her why she did that, and of course she really didn't know.  But, we dug deeper and found that what was driving her inability to be kind was- at this particular moment- pure jealousy.  She wanted something he had- which was at the time, my attention.  So, it has caused me to ask myself at those times when I don't feel like being kind, why? What is driving my desire to just not put in the energy it would take to be kind? Like any introspection, it's not pretty or fun, but it can really be a life changer.

 As I read the news daily, I long to see kindness.  I know it is there, but it seems sorely lacking in our society.  So as we introspect our own culture, we need to search for the WHY.  Why is kindness hard to come by these days.  Or is it? As I look ahead I will make an effort to be kind; kind in my words, actions and even thoughts.  And on those moments when I don't feel like being kind- say to my kids, the person in the car in front of me, or a person I don't even know, I will look inside and try to figure out what is driving that, and try to let it go and just be KIND.

So as we continue on this Journey of Respect, Kindness and Responsibility (RKR) I see these three attributes coming together as a triad; each interlocking, leaning on the other.  As I think of kindness, I see that if Respect is in place....Kindness simply follows.  Then maybe it wouldn't be a chore.  Maybe it would happen more.  As I share this mantra (RKR) more and more I see that it is a simple message that can change lives.  What are your thoughts?  Share a little RKR today.  Be a RocKeR.